Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Day 6. 5 Ways To Win Your Heart

5 Ways To Win My Heart

Before we jump right into the topic, I would like to take a moment here to clarify that all the ideas listed below are mine. I have my personal standards as well as my turn ons and turn offs. Judging is fine but not necessary, okay? So don’t make a big deal about it!

1.    Smart Dress

It is not about wear a suit every time. I just really hate it when someone wears flip-flops (with or without socks) and does not even bother tucking his shirt. It looks so sloppy. Since I used to work in fashion, I do care about my own style. It is just my opinion but someone who has his own style could possibly win my heart. I am not attracted to guys nor girls who wear whatever they grab first from their wardrobe.

In school or at workplace, wearing one’s ID tag is a plus. I know that many people do not like to do this even though it cost literally nothing. Wearing a full uniform is also a plus to me. I have been observing many people omit some accessories from their basic uniform just because they are lazy. If your uniform requires a bow tie, then wear it. I know it is very hot outside but it is your responsibility when you put on that uniform. I may be a little too strict about this but to be honest, it bothers me a lot ever since high school.

On a date with me, please button up your shirt properly if you intend to wear one. Leaving more than two buttons unbuttoned makes you look like an idiot, except when you are a girl, then it would look sexy.

2.    Feed me

Let’s take a serious moment here. I am actually the type of person who lives to eat. I had selective eating disorder in the past. Up until now, I am not fully recovered. I am not saying that I only eat specific type of food. I just avoid specific type of food.

I do not like to eat fruit. Parsley is not my favorite. I love eating raw fish and traditional Japanese dishes. I can live without red meat. I would love to go vegan but again, I cannot live without dairy products. I have a sweet tooth. I do not eat much and when I feel full, no one can force me to eat more. After all, I am no competitive eater anyway.

I do not like pizza. Yes, I do aware the fact that this would make me a non-girlfriend material. That is fine by me. Going on date with me would be a little overwhelming at first because we have to figure out where we both want to eat. I love fine dining. I do not want to waste money on a cup of lemon tea just to be seated on the pavement. That is idiotic.

Expensive restaurants and fast food stalls are not really my type. Although they are still acceptable at some points, I still prefer going to unknown special small café where we can go explore together.

3.    Gift Giving

This is clearly not about buying me present. It is about compromising. I give you a gift that I think is suitable for you. You do the same thing for me. It does not need an occasion to give gifts to each other. Gifts can be purchased or made with love.

Gift giving on special occasions is not require in order to date me. I do not give gift to exchange for some love. I give gift because I care about my partner and I want my partner to feel loved. On special occasions, a gift for my special one is the perfect excuse to show him or her how grateful I am to have such special someone in my life.

A gift might be something abstract. It could be something that you may not perceive with your five senses. A song, a lullaby, a poem or even a story written with love is the most marvelous gift in the world.

Do not take gift giving too seriously because it might ruin the beautiful meaning beneath. It is totally fine if you do not want to. However, do not make it such a big deal when I want to give you something. It is okay that only one of us doing the gift giving thing.

4.    Share your emotions and feelings

Neither of us can read each other’s mind. I am the type of emotional girl but at the same time, I am a little anti-social. It means that I do not easily share my true emotions and feelings. I only share it with someone whom I trust enough.

In my world, I am a total different person from whom people see every day. My appearance has nothing to do with my personality but don’t be confused, I am not really that complicated. I am willing to share everything and I would keep going on and on about it later. I do not want to keep my feelings to myself.

If I can do that, then it is your turn to do the same. I do not know you yet but I am always willing to listen to you. I am a good listener and a great secret keeper. It is safe to share your emotions and feelings with me. I want to get to know you better through listening to you. Whatever you want to say, just tell me all about it. I will be doing the same thing.

5.    Love me with your actions

I am tired of words. As an amateur writer, I have been working with words and phrases all the time. In reality, I do aware that action speaks louder than words. So, whatever you want to do, put it into actions since words do not really mean anything to me.

It is true that sometimes, words help us to get through difficult times. However, most of the time, we use actions to get over ourselves. Telling me sweet words is nothing different than talking to the wall. I am sorry that I do not really fall for those words. Mostly, I fall for actions. But then again, only actions may not work. It is best to work your way through both actions and words.

I may not need those sayings tell me that I am being loved. I would rather appreciate a goodbye kiss on my forehead than some meaningless words on my messenger. Letting me grab your hands while walking on some steps with my high heels is much better than constantly talking about how gorgeous I look. Girls fall for sweet talks. I fall for a warm hand holding mine. 

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