Sunday, January 1, 2017

A Look Back Of 2016 - The Year of Changes

Hola mi amigos! It's officially here. It's the year 2017, the year of the chicken, huh?

It's been quite a journey for me last year. Personally speaking, last year had brought so many new changes into my life. To have a quick look back, there are a few things I find interesting to be mentioned, or at least, highlighted so the future me could one day take a look back.

I don't quite recall everything that affected my life through 2016 since I still couldn't keep working on my journal. These are just a few things that made me turn to a new direction.

1. Christina Grimmie

I still remember the day I first found her on Youtube. I was really impressed by her angelic voice and her way of expressing herself. I used to listen to only covers of songs that she did. I had always been a fan of her.

Then it happened so fast as if everything was just a dream. The other day, I was still reading her updates on Instagram. Then, suddenly my friend texted me and the moment I looked up on Wikipedia, everything about her had been changed to past tenses.

It hurts, a lot. It was easy to cry cause I was somewhat emotionally always. But it wasn't easy to move on. I kept searching for any updates from her, trying to deny one simple fact that she was no longer here. It hurts every time a song sung by her played. She's the same age as me. We're both have our whole future ahead. Why does everything have to end so fast?

2. Unfilled-out Divorce

Though it was just a sense, it was real. It wasn't easy to deal with, especially when we don't share the same opinions. It didn't hurt me, though. I was expecting it so it wasn't much surprising to me. It was more amusing to watch some completely normal human being pretending to be out of his mind.

I don't like being part of a play. I prefer being the director. It was such a mess. Eventually, we gathered up every piece of the story, turning it into our weapon and use it against him.

He lost the battle for sure. However, she decided to reach out and save him for the second time of his life. I will never get it. In a million year will I ever understand why. He just doesn't deserve a better life than this. I'm no longer see my connection with him. Why should we still provide him a place to stay and a meal to eat?

3. Project Moving

To live in the suburb is my long life dream. I however never belonged to the big crowded city. Despite my fear of a part of nature, I enjoy living in the suburb so much.

I'm now living in the suburb where everything seems so calm and peaceful. My new house is pretty nice too though it doesn't really suit a perfectionist. It did drive me crazy sometimes.

It's a long journey to work but it's was fine. Apart from a few traffic jams, I don't mind commuting every day. I finally found where I belong.

4. A Phone Call

It was a phone call from my school. Well, this is the year that I graduated, not with flying colors but still better than a few people who still can barely speak their own major. The day I went up to school and took my piece of degree, I told myself that this would be the last time I set my foot in this burning hell.

As though the coldness of winter had cool it down somehow, the school offered me somewhat a long term position. Never in a million year do I see myself working in an office. My family put such a pressure on me and in one way or another, they want to see me working a secure job, not being a freelancer without any insurance.

But I hate it. I hate my damn school. I hate the people. I hate the system. I hate the god damn students. Why should I choose to spend my life working while I could be out there doing the things I like? I'm young. I can work a few jobs before finding the one that suits me best. I'm an introvert and I'm happy being alone. I hate being an extrovert and office work is all about making people at higher positions like us. Nope! I'm doing just fine being hated by so many people who have time to hate me.

5. Working at a university

This is a different story, though.

I didn't intend to work in the evening because the trip to my daily work has been too exhausting. Still, I was obsessed with money since my saving had been long gone because of the moving. I took the job anyway and become an official part-time teacher at a university. It was cool, though.

The class was much smaller and the level was still the easy one. I think I'm about to forget anything about the higher level. After the contract had been made, I was holding the money tightly in my hand. This could solve everything! I feel so safe having some money to spare!

6. Harry Potter

I have always avoided reading Harry Potter because I didn't want to read the translated version. I want the original version and it was quite expensive. It took me a whole year to find a special discount and quickly did I buy it.

The full set was very nice although someone did warn me about not spending money on the things that weren't worth collecting. Well, books aren't just for the collector. Books are first for the bookworms, the ones who read books.

7. My Worm cat

I've been dreaming my whole life about someone who shares the same interest as me. It was the best thing that happened to me in 2016. I didn't expect anything to happen after my first break up and there he was, waiting for a chance to ask me out.

We're both nerds and weirdos. We enjoyed things people avoided talking about. Our mind was somehow extraordinary and we don't mind being different. We're both introverted and we share the love of books. We enjoyed being together and sharing our food, the things that didn't happen to me in my previous relationship.

I'm so glad that Deadpool brought us together!


There it goes, my 2016. I still love number 7 though.

I have quite a bunch of things to look forward to in 2017. My last year's resolution had turned out quite well in fact though I did drop it for a couple of times. It's the New Year now, let's cheer and look forward to my next resolution!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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