Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Ombre my life

It's officially SUMMER!!!!! I'd finished my sophomore year and I still can't believe it. Time flew just by a blink of an eye ._. It's been half a year already.

This is a little project that I'm up to. I create some bookmarks and sell them on Linh's Secondhand Shop. This is my first time colouring something. Yes, I'm serious. I never actually colour something after I finish my sketch.

My creation for

I use colour pencils by Crayola. It was quite expensive after the tax had been included but I was lucky enough to get a pack of 24 colour pencils while it was on sale. Along with this pack, a box of 24 crayons was included. But I'm not really good at crayons so I just keep them in my desk drawer. Hopefully, I'll soon manage to use them properly in the future.

By colouring something for the first time, I found myself addicting to ombre style. I love mixing tones of colours and create abstract of colour changing. I've been addicted to many things until now. Well, it's not bad, right? When someone is obsessed with something, it's kind of giving them one more reason to live this life. <3 

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